31 December, 2005

A vision's prerrogative

With a faint of magic, or a touch of madness, or with just too much melancholy; I saw you, I caught a glimpse of where you might be, of how you were, of what you're doing.

And that made me sad.

I don't know how much deep I want to go about this, but yesterday I heard a song that said this:

"Será tu amor
que me curará este dolor,
será tu piel
Que me hará morir y luego renacer"

Die and reborn, that's something I need to do in order to kill you, to stop looking for you, and see again, so I can find you.

I've seen "yous" again, but you still reside within the lairs of my ivory tower, deep and chained while, outside, the five of us look for greater enlightment. But we're wrong, without you, enlightment lacks meaning, the exact thing we're looking for.

So I keep wishing for a better tomorrow, a happier awakening and a meaningful life.


24 December, 2005

Pop videos hurt

Life drags me back to you, and through these videos I remember, just a glimpse, of what I really envy, of what I’ve lost, of what I can’t stand. As I said before to you or someone like you, or all of you, or to none of you: “My greatest desire, my biggest fear”, what I failed to do (as I always do) it to reveal that this emotion refers to you or someone like you, or all of you, or none of you.

These videos are dangerous, these really hurt. I’ve done my job too well, I’ve found the core of this symbol and now I’m paying the price.

I’ve been told recently that “me” likes to have their own spaces, but it seems that I’ve managed to carve out of the fabric of society, space and time my own space, where leaving or entering is either too dificult, frightful of painful. I stand behind this wall, looking through a small opening to the rest of the world that deblacles over carcasses denied of meaning, hollowed. And still, these videos as pop as they are convey a force, a meaning, a real impact that, as ironic as it seems, look “real”, true, although they spawn from the most materialistic, underratted and commercial of all the genres.

And from here, I fell in love with you or all of you, or none of you.

I psyche myself out, I explain myself, and I claim that what I really fell is the need to be “normal” (Foucault laughs) and to “recover” the lost years of pain I couldn’t enjoy. But this is of no use, even thou I know, I still don’t Know, and the emotion, this empty cup, stands there, watching at me either laughing or crying, or both, or none.

The only thing I know, or I think I know, is that it all finally is up to us, or me, or all or no one. I see your face again and I long for something I don’t really understand, it’s dogma for me and maybe I’ll have to challenge that dogma for a more agnostic view ("YOU DON'T EXIST"). But right now, I wish you where here, “my greatest desire, my biggest fear”, and that I (for once) be able to act and kill myself only to be reborn in you.

KX.- on a heartbreak lullaby.

20 December, 2005

Impresión Visual #4: Encierro

Fuera de una pared tapiada, casi a la salida de la cueva, el Joven con el Bo y el Hombre con su Libro discuten sobre algo que se pierde mientras el Niño con su Oso de Peluche y la Mujer con sus Joyas se retiran a la penumbra, asqueados por tan inútil discución.

Desde adentro de la pared, una voz muy débil trata de terminar con la discución, pero sólo el Niño y la Mujer la oyen. Ellos tratan de llamarle la atención sobre esto al Joven y al Hombre, pero estos no entienden que es lo que le quieren decir; mientras que dentro de la Pared, un Viejo en medio de miles de libros y símbolos cuyo significado se perdió hace ya demasiado tiempo y cuya única fuente de luz es una lámpara, susurra respuestas que sin su debida pregunta carecen de significado.

¿Qué es una respuesta sin la debida pregunta?

El Viejo intenta otras señas, música, imágenes, historias que contar; pero el Joven y el Hombre siguen enfrascados en su discución mientras que el Niño y la Mujer esperan en las sombras a que estos se pongan de acuerdo y puedan, por fin, devolverle al Viejo Hermitaño la llave que perdió hace ya años y con la que él sólo puede salir de su Encierro.

El Hombre y el Joven parece que están llegando finalmente llegar a un acuerdo, pero no es fácil, viendo hacia la Pared se dna cuenta que la salida está un poco mas lejos de lo que creían, pero que si logran liberar al viejo podrán ver la luz del Sol finalmente.

19 December, 2005

¡Busque usted mismo las diferencias!

Tomando en cuenta todo lo que usted entiende por paradigmas metafísicos y sus relaciones con las culturas orientales y occidentales, por favor encuentre las diferencias entre los siguientes postulados:

Postulado 1: "... desde un punto de vista lógico, la noción de [representación/descripción] no puede conciliarse con el concepto de un ser absoluto, existe absolutamente, fuera de la dialéctica de presencia y ausencia. Eso impediría la posibilidad misma y la necesidad de representación."
Want, Christopher. "Kant para Principiantes". Ed. Era Naciente.

Postulado 2:
El Tao del que puede hablarse
no es el Tao eterno.
El nombre que puede nombrarse [o representarse/describirse]
no es el Nombre eterno.

Lo eternamente real es innombrable [o irrepresentable/indescriptible].
El nombre es el origen
de todas las cosas particulares

Libre de deseo, comprendes el misterio.
Atrapado en el deseo, sólo ves sus manifestaciones..."
Lao Tzu. "Tao Te Ching".

[reemplazos y añadiduras propias]

09 December, 2005


Damn it,

Me and my big mouth, I always get more than I bargain for and this time was no exception.

Last nite I wrote something out of tiredness, frustration and disappointment; driven by fear, loneliness and jadedness. I was bitching and moaning, things that usually get me in these situations.

Proud Crane after all...

But things turned out differently, I made some choices (for me life is all about that anyway) and laid down a plan, which strangely turned out better than I hopped.

About travel and the travel mentality

It's Friday night and I'm sitting in a King-sized bed in one of Mexico City's fanciest hotels, is late at night and I'm busted from a week of long discussions.

I'm miles away from home but I still feel like I'm chained to this laptop and my desk is just a couple of steps away. I feel like in a desert, where I keep saying "over the next dune I'll find water", but work keeps coming, and emergencies keep flaring, and deadlines and promises keep being broken, and apologies are made only to be broken again when laughable demands come my way, but I'm unable to turn them down. Then the cynic takes over and, jaded, I comply.

I'm really tired, and although I'm sitting in one of the most marvelous cities in the world, were its native culture enriches its modern world, were the jaguar pounds over gangs in the Zócalo and the masked fighter defends his honor and his mask from the evil Rudos, I'm sitting here tired, frustrated and alone.

I'm in no mood of traveling, although I already flew the miles. I don't want to smear the memories of such great works as the Zócalo or the Museo Antropológico with Business Reviews and Moderation Guides, and then there's the wish (the need really), to construct these memoirs with some meaning, not just a escape from the corporate cultural bubble into the wilds, outside the wall of the 5 stars hotels, the 25$ cab rides, the coca-cola and the air conditioning.

I'll travel back home, where I'll have the space to travel and see new things I can't see here, miles away from home. I'll be able to retake my journey and advance new steps away from this foreign land.


I waked up as late as I could, played couch potato for the rest of the morning and watched all what Televisa could throw at me: Soap Operas, bad jokes, busty singers and cumbia masters, you name it. When check time came I was ready and promptly resolved my Corporate issues, escaped the banality mausoleum and went the next door Sanburns for some cash and looking for some late time purchases.

After that, and totally breaking the Corporate policy, I took a street taxi that lead me to the Museo Arquelógico, not without some weird discussion that included Chávez and Venezuelan Table Dancers traveling to DF. Then there were cows, in many colors and textures, with wings, maps and finally, an Angelic Cow.

Luck struck once, looking for a wrestler mask (as once a dear friend told me he bought there) I came to two men standing in front of a huge pole which end I could see right away because of the surrounding trees. I saw them drumming and chanting, until one of them started climbing the pole (the ladder, the heavens, the spheres, choose your own poison) and I could finally see other four men, standing in a square in each of the four directions (winds, realms, gods, choose your own destiny) ready to fall in a circling descent (how curious, they would "square the circle"…). Finally, the drummer reach the top and after a while the men hung themselves, and like falling from a crumbling tower, they hung upside down, arms open and right leg crossed down in a crisis, to their final death while slowly descending to the ground from the heavens. Arcana anyone?

Now I understand Campbell, is incredible how things are the same and people just see their carcass…

After a short stop at the Jaguar dance, I stepped into the Museum and began the honorable tradition of memory hunting, where one photographs anything in sight so you would not forget anything you missed because you were taking pictures of it, so after realizing the lack of meaning of the practice, I stepped into the wild world of past glories and forgotten knowledge the Museum had for their visitors (not without a picture of a feathered serpent for Ma).

I entered the back room, where the Mexica culture actually takes form and the solar disk welcomes the unfaithful. Temples without name and fellow memory hunters accompanied me along the way until I saw a man in a wheelchair. Hermaphrodites I've seen, deformed I've seen, a giant drove the taxi that took me "home" last night, but this man was different, he sat left to a stand whit no tag on it and a book that showed a grid where totems and gods determined the fate of the mundane, and this man, this hummingbird; sitting in a wheelchair, was offering answers to the uninitiated, the sleepers, and questions to the awakened.

6-Perro was the question was given on a piece of photocopied paper and scribbled with god names for day and night.

I pondered for a while I descended to the underworld and back, through Atleans and giant's heads, pondering on how Perro, Lechuza and the ability to destroy and reform had to do with me, so I went back to the crippled Colibrí and the kid who silently took the money from the tourists, but they had disappeared leaving me whit nothing but a picture of the empty stand, just a book with no tag.

Left with the feeling of wonder, where most usually take it as a nice souvenir, the numerous parallels of hanged men, hermaphrodites, gods of serpents and feathers that empower men and giants left me wondering, always a welcomed state, on what, why, and how…

Back to the real world, I left the Museum with a Mayan Mythology book and in search of some more mundane artifacts to a shopping center where I expected to obtain some books and CDs for my never-ending collection of trinkets. Needless to say, I paid my cab with a two hundred pesos bill only to find out it was really an old five hundred pesos bill. The taxi driver didn't want it, and I left him with the dollars I had with myself, oddly I missed one 10 dollar bill and had a 500 pesos one (roughly 47 dollars).

It sounds stupid, but I finally got to exchange my old 500 pesos bill and got nothing out of that place where I got self conscious of my age in a lot of time, since a girl playing what seemed an interesting fighter-adaptation of Full Metal Alchemist gave me a look when I asked if she knew the name of the title she was playing.

I left the shopping center, left he city and the country, but I kept in my mind how amazing is the fact that Symbols, Jungian or not, repeat themselves in different cultures, be it medieval Christian-based Alchemy or traditional native Mexican folklore. I'm either a fool or a madman, or both, or worse: none of them; but now what is difficult for me is NOT seeing these Symbols and understanding that humanity has lost its tools to deal with the world and with itself and gaining them back is a journey, an opus, that most certainly needs at least five years of reading and a dollar bill on the shelf case..

KX.- 3-Chuwen, 6-Perro, Proud Crane, Fool, Magus, Hacker Extraordinaire

26 November, 2005

About travel and the travel mentality

It's friday night and I'm sitting in a King-sized bed in one of Mexico City's fanciest hotels, is late at night and I'm busted from a week of long discussions.

I'm miles away from home but I still feel like I'm chained to this laptop and my desk is just a couple of steps away. I feel like in a desert, where I keep saying "over the next dune I'll find water", but work keeps coming, and emergencies keep flaring, and deadlines and promises keep being broken, and apologies are made only to be broken again when laughable demands come my way, but I'm unable to turn them down. Then the cynic takes over and, jaded, I comply.

I'm really tired, and although I'm sitting in one of the most marvelous cities in the world, were its native culture enrichs its modern world, were the jaguar pounds over gangs in the Zócalo and the masked fighter defends his honor and his mask from the evil Rudos, I'm sitting here tired, frustrated and alone.

I'm in no mood of traveling, although I already flew the miles. I don't want to smear the memories of such great works as the Zócalo or the Museo Antropológico with Bussiness Reviews and Moderation Guides, and then there's the wish (the need really), to construct these memoirs with some meaning, not just a escape from the corporate cultural bubble into the wilds, outside the wall of the 5 stars hotels, the 25$ cab rides, the coca-cola and the air conditioning.

I'll travel back home, where I'll have the space to travel and see new things I can't see here, miles from home. I'll be able to retake my journey and advance new steps away from this foreign land.

05 November, 2005

Impresión Visual #3: Crisis

El niño canta bailando alrededor del joven y el académico mientras la mujer de cabellos dorados los invita a entrar al gran salón. El joven quiere ir pero el académico saca cuentas, busca en libros, y no avanza.

El niño salta, canta y brinca alrededor de estos dos, el joven mas cerca de la puerta que el académico. La mujer los llama, pero la puerta empieza a cerrarse y el académico piensa que hay tiempo y oportunidades infinitas para poder entrar de nuevo, pero no es así, y la puerta se cierra con la mujer de cabellos dorados al otro lado quien baila a la música del salón.

El niño se impacienta y se pone a llorar, el joven se molesta y el académico explica la situación a los otros dos mientras detrás de ellos se dibuja un escudo con tres espadas cruzadas.

Impresión Visual #2: La Playa

El joven y el académico están en una playa, donde el niño los ha llevado. Allí el toma un flotador en forma de cuenca y se adentra en la playa de mar picado. Mientras, en la orilla, el joven y el académico discuten sobre entrar o no a la playa, mientras el niño los llama.

Durante dicha discución en la orilla, el flotador del niño se voltea y las olas empiezan a hundirlo.

Los hombres en la orilla no lo ven.

Ahogándose, el niño trata de llamarlos pero el rugir de las olas lo callan. Desde el bosque conjunto a la playa, una mujer vestida onerosamente llama a los hombres y les señala al niño que se ahoga. Los hombres dejan su discución y ven al niño casi sin fuerzas. El joven se lanza al agua mientras que el académico toma una balsa. Mientras los hombres van al rescate del niño la mujer desaparece entre las sombras del bosque.

Impresión Visual #1: El Jardín

En un viejo jardín, como si fuera el centro de un laberinto de paredes de arbustos de tres metros de alto, la noche ilumina las cuatro paredes donde se reflejan cuatro bancos de mármol vacíos, llenos de escrituras antiguas, acabados góticos y graffitis de "Spider estuvo aquí" grabados con marcadores.

Por una de sus entradas, la norte, una linterna le quita la magia fantasmagorica a dicha locación y poco a poco se oyen pasos que se acercan. Pronto una silueta desfigurada por la luz de la linterna se abre paso: Un joven vestido de jeans y una franela con algún mensaje carga la lámpara y un bo, con el cual ha guiado su paso hasta el momento a través del laberinto. Al entrar al cuadro, la linterna ilumina su centro donde cuatro discos de oro adornan los cuatro bancos, de las cuatro entradas.

Por la entrada Oeste, un hombre de mediana edad, cargando un paquete de libros y diversos artefactos electrónicos, entra al cuadro, reconociendo al joven de la linterna. Este, ya cansado, se sienta en uno de los bancos mientras trata de encontrar algo en uno de sus libros.

El tiempo pasa, el joven de la linterna se acuesta en el banco norte mientras él y académico se alertan cada cierto tiempo cuando oyen pasos cerca, saben que hay al menos dos personas mas alrededor, pero no logran verlas. La linterna está entre el banco norete y el oeste y deja a las entradas este y su en completa oscuridad. Finalmente, después de demasiado tiempo, el académico y el joven encuentran algo entre sus libros y con mucha alegría, pero con algo de miedo, colocan la linterna entre los cuatro discos de oro, espero lo mejor.

Los pasos se oyen mas cerca, y al poco tiempo de la entrada Este se dibuja la silueta de un niño que sostiene un juguete, intenta entrar al cuadro pero le da miedo, los que están se sienten tambien incómodos en compartir su espacio. Mientras, la silueta de una mujer se dibuja al sur, pero todavía no se le vé.

03 September, 2005

Being Howard P. Lovecraft

Many times I wondered where did Lovecraft got the inspiration from is writings, in my "mini-search" for his origins on my trip to Providence I understood a couple of things, its easy when you actually see the attics, drains, woods and old streets where he lived.

But that's only the material part, thousand of other "Providenceer's" have gone and go through this same place and there's still only one Damned, Lovecraft.

Howard did not had a happy life (neither had his "mentor", Poe), but what always caught my attention is the generational horror that he inspired in his writings. One of his bios talk about his childhood in which Lovecraft spend most of is time locked in his house, reading books fom his grandfather's library.

Some kind of Hermit.

Now, these books, what kind of books could have sparked these damned images? I'll never know, but recently I've been adquiring some books that start to remind me of Lovecraft's Library: Bloom, Feyerabend, Hume, Khun, Campbell and Jung's Alchemy...

... and to think someone made a game out of this.

KX.- Damned.

31 July, 2005

Kuan Yin explains it all: Love and my Theory of Knowledge.

I’ve been trying to finally write down my view on epistemology (theory of knowledge) for a long time but I have had a hard time to get a good example in order to show, more than tell, what I’m rambling about.

I thought of dancing first, but then I realized that I had to strip a lot of thing from this concept in order to make it fit, although some day I plan to make a demonstration (I’m using the examples thou). Then I thought of dominoes, but I’m still working on that one for some other madman’s rambling.

Finally, Kuan Yin was merciful enough to give me a good example (thanks to Campbell too, who actually wrote about it in Myths to Live by).

Campbell tells us that one day (and please check the book if you want to read it whole, this is just a summary of Campbell’s summary), an astonishingly young woman came to a remote village in China, near the Yellow River, where people never heard of religion before. She carried a basket full of fishes which she sold in the town’s market and then disappeared, this happened for a few days and the young men all over town had taken note of this mysterious, beautiful young woman. One morning, some of them stopped her and pleaded with her to marry.

She replied “I’m just one woman, I can marry all of you”, following with: “If one of you can recite by heart the Sutra of the Compassionate Kuan Yin, he is the one I shall choose”. They had never even heard of such a thing, but that night they studied the Sutra. The following morning they were thirty.

Now, getting back to epistemology, this could be defined as “material knowledge”. Corresponding to Jung’s earth/sensorial psychic trait, the young men of the village where learning about the girl using her senses: seeing her come and go with her basket, no interaction had been previously established, so only senses had been used in “learning” this young woman. Also, reciting the Sutra means only repetition, there’s no more interaction with it than just getting to know this thing in his material part: it’s letters, words and phrases. In dance, we learn of it using our senses by seeing people dance, touching your dancing partner, listening to music.

To these thirty men, the young woman said “If any one of you can explain the Sutra, he is the one I shall wed”. Only ten came back.

These men studied this Sutra, they analyzed it, broke it down in parts to be tested, compared, you name it. This is “intellectual knowledge”, the air/intellect Jungian trait. In dance, you learn this trait while learning the steps of the dance, this is what professional dancers do when learning a choreography, but there’s more to dance, and Bodhisattvas, than a ritual (as Kung-Tse would say) and that’s the difference between good and great.

“If any one of you can in three days realize the meaning of the Sutra, he is the one I shall marry surely”, with this, the young woman dispatched the remaining men once again.

Now, these men knew the Sutra and its explanation (how it works, I assume a literary analysis). Why would she ask them to realize it’s meaning? Isn’t knowing this thing what’s important?

Well, no.

While material and intellectual knowledge are based on the thing itself (like the water that fills the lake, very Yang-like), there’s more to it. The following are, by some reason, types of knowledge that most Occidentals either take for granted or just take as “non-sense”, this is knowledge that comes from around the thing itself, by it’s sole existence and interaction with the rest (like the basin that makes up the lake, very Yin like).

The first one has to do with the relation of this one thing with the rest of the Ten Thousand Things, what is its place and how it correlates with everything else, ergo, meaning. Now, the context in which the thing is evaluated gives different answers to this question, like the meaning of WWII has when viewed from different angles and times: it’s not the same for a German in the first years of Blitzkrieg, or in 1945, when they ran out of supplies; or for a Jew before and after the creation of the Ghetto; or for an American before Pearl Harbor or after they came into Berlin in Sherman tanks.

This is “intuitive knowledge” the fire/intuition trait of Jung. Fire you ask? Just let me tell you that in the I Ching, Fire is also called “lo Adherente” (Clinging, Adherent), and you can only adhere if there’s something else to cling to. In dance, You may now the dance and its moves, but are the partners that give it meaning, its definitively not the same see two long-time dance partners how know each other for a long time, than two people that might be great dancers by themselves, but have just met.

Finally, only one men realized the Sutra’s meaning, his name was Mero (Meru?). The beautiful woman smiled and said “I perceive that you have indeed realized the meaning of the blessed Sutra of the Compassionate Kuan Yin, and do gladly accept you as my husband. My house you will find this evening at the river bend, and my parents there to receive you”.

Mero found a little house at the shore. In its entrance, an old man and woman greeted him saying “We have been waiting for you a long time” and led him to their daughter’s room. The room was empty (a great metaphor, see below), and through the window he saw the footprints of a woman’s feet in the sand, which he followed, to find in the water’s edge two golden sandals. He turned around and the house was gone, and in that moment he suddenly knew: the young woman had been the Bodhisattva herself, “and he comprehended fully how great is the benevolence of the boundlessly compassionate Kuan Yin”.

As I’m writing this, I’m also learning, I just realized something.

The final type of knowledge has been around since the beginning of the fable. It has been implicit in all the narration and thus, it has never been treated openly until now. After all these obstacles Mero finds the young woman’s room empty, now it’s time to remember how this story came to be: Mero was in love with the young woman and asked for her to marry him, but when he finally achieves its objective he finds the room empty, whatever he wished for was not there. He sees footprints in the sand outside the house (his “prize”), and remembering/learning what his feelings were originally and now, he goes after the young woman. This is the last type of knowledge: emotional knowledge. If intuitive knowledge has to do with the thing’s relation with everything else, emotional knowledge has to do with the meaning of the thing within itself. Dancing with a friend is one thing, but with a lover is a whole different ballgame…

To end this rambling, as an Oroboros, emotional knowledge is the Alpha and the Omega of the fable, and being this a “self-development” one, it has a linear progression, so it needs some further explanations.

First, this fable points the interesting fact that the same knowledge that is finally attained is the on that drives the plot from the beggining. The knowledge is there, but it requires the rest of the types to finally “get it”. This is what Jung says about individuation and what the Arcana of the “Wheel of Fortune” refers to.

Second, these types of knowledge are not mutually-exclusive: you may be an excellent dancer, but with no soul; know the steps, but fumble with a new partner; suck at it but have memorable dances with a loved one.

That’s it, the fun’s over.


07 July, 2005

Scary Shit: a cry for help into the void of the Cyberspace.


I'm freaked out. I've been playing for too long with the universe and I might be finally get somewhere, something, that in my case, is scary.

My Jung studies have led me to Synchronicity, from there I sought Hume and Khun's works (which I still have to read, but that I know their basis from summaries), now, from there, I get to the Pratitya-samutpada before I even knew it existed.

I've been willing to know about synchronicity by destroying causality, an exercise that led me to the whole "Unified Field theory" essay (can I call it that?, it's just a ramble), from there I understood that X can't exist without a Y, in other words, the reactive principle (in this case, the "Formula" from the UFT) can't live without the active principle (the random, generating Independent variable). So, the search for this independent variable is useless, leading to an oroboros that states the same problem as Determinism's First Cause problem (see also: Deism).

Now, with this in my head, I get to Jung's synchronicity and causality. From there I get that the solution is not one OR the other, IS BOTH!!!



You see, active/reactive principle, Yin/Yang, Determinism/Randomness, they're all opposite pairs that can't exist without the other.

I need help,

KX.- Think Damnit!

The Hermit King of Swords Talks: Closer, Jung and the Cosmos.

[Previously unreleased]

WARNING: Do NOT read if you're easily offended when your dogma comes crumbling into your hands, if you awake thinking about the next lie to make your life bearable, if you've lost the sense of wonder when you see the world slowly plunging into a new dark age or if you just are too lazy to think and try to look for truths hidden in the madman's speech.

Please, save me the trouble.

For those who remain, I'm broadcasting to all stations, reply at your own risk and feel free to not talk to me again if you just don't like what you see.

I'm high on workload, jadedness, a good movie and a rocking tune I'm branding in my brain looping it on winamp.

I'm fucked up, and I like it.

"I sincerely appreciate your honesty" its an unlikely phrase in a movie where everybody gets laid with everyone else (or mostly everyone else) and revenge, pity, horny and savage fucks are well implied, never shown, but very well described thou.

And in a sense, this phrase makes up for all the movie.

I'm the least experience person here to know about this, once again I'm fucked up, but like the hanged man seeing death near in the tarot, and the prince who acts with no fault in front of his people, I've practiced at least a couple of those principles in the never ending cycle proposed by the plot of this movie. Cycles, interesting thing that comes to me head now, since the singularity point can be so near and so far right now...

Technoshock, Singularity point, two presidents ousted in a day, inmediatecy of information, double CPU processing power every 18 months, Bioethics, a new ex-Nazi Pope, go ahead google it.

It's interesting that you read a little of a topic and you think you're a master of it, but I do have Jung close to my heart: reconciling myth and self is a daunting, ethical work that gives something that people have forgotten in the western world: Meaning (yes, with a capital M). Westerners have the problem of separating, giving exact pockets of thought to different parts of the Cosmos (I like this term better, it more holistic). Easterners are more about coincidence, something Jung called synchronicity.

And what does this have to do with Closer?, nothing at all, I'm just amazed you're still reading.

Closer is about one person, one self. Earth, wind, fire and earth are the terms I use, they're simpler than Ego, Shadow, Anima and Animus, but then again, defining those is like asking Phaedrus to define Quality. There are opposites and fellows (?), there are relationships within opposites and interaction with fellows, "honesty" is such a dirty word in this movie as a teenager explaining how he masturbates to his surprised parents.

Earth?, Anna. Highly receptive, totally embracing. I'm amazed how amazing she looks in this movie without glitter or face, an Autumn woman sitting in the breeze. Alice and her alter ego, whomever that is, embrace wind: highly mental and cynical, did she ever felt in this movie? anyway, she disappears and reappears like, guess what, the wind thru a summer-hot corridor in a house with no back-yard. In opposition, they are slut and mother, angel and paradise, movement and settling point.

Guys are more fun to write and less hurtful, Doctor (since I've laughed so hard hearing his parliament, I don't even know his name) has the Jungian fire in him, think of him as the wand in the tarot and the intuition function in Jungian psyche, the is driven by grief, by revenge, by love, by reckoning but he's always witty and resourceful.

[Personal space to admire this character and the actor who personified him.]

Then again is Jude Law, who like cup of water flows from one love to another, highly emotional, makes all the mistakes and get all the girls, just to fuck up again. It's sad, it's horrible, it's beautiful and cool at the same time.

There you go: Ego, Shadow, Anima and Animus. Sort them yourselves, I have to work tomorrow and I'd like to stay sane after writing this.

Finally, "I love you" is said more time than tea is served in the movie (and its shot in London!), the stupid notion that this phrase means anything after the first 45 minutes of the movie is hardly bearable, a shot in the heart for romantics who shout in the darkness of cyberspace songs about no one (projection people, it's called projection). And there the notion of Jungian, eastern philosophy, determinism, chaos theory and comes together in the most wondrous way because you see, after all this I've said:

I don't get the movie.

I don't get it, I'm so fucked up that I don't get why they just don't kill their egos, leave the system and look for a new chance, but no, they stay and struggle with the same again, again and again. Like Odin hanged with the three Crows, like the arcana with the square up and the triangle down (numerology people, numerology!), like an addict staying on and off the fix (btw, this is my fix).

So, "I love you" is (and I declare it MUST) be stripped from it's "forever" implicitly, it must be assumed that is a notion of here and now, and that it doesn't guarantee more than that. "Forever" is the static principle that allows entropy to destroy something that is beautiful just by dying and being reborn time, and time again.

Sincerely appreciating you honesty,

César X / NetDragon / Kaiser Xavier / the Hermit King of Swords and the Knight of Wands.

11 May, 2005

Free Will beats the unified Field theory any day of the week!

a personal take on Absolute Truths and and relativism.

After reading Stephen Hawkins' "A Brief History of Time", two things got stuck in my mind: the first one was the hypothesis of a cyclic universe (since Hawkins just treats the material part of the Cosmos), in which matter expands to a point and then contracts to a singularity point, from which a new Big Bang creates a new cycle of the Universe (which, as a leisure fact, could allow something like a Galactus if a being is able to survive such explosion).

The second fact I got from this book is presented in its final chapters, in which Hawkins start talking about the culmination of the determination of the Unified Field Theory and its physical, psychological and universal implications. For a quick definition here's something I got from wikipedia:

"In physics, unified field theory is an attempt to unify all the fundamental forces and the interactions between elementary particles into a single theoretical framework. The term was coined by Einstein who attempted to reconcile the general theory of relativity with electromagnetism in a single field theory. His quest proved elusive and a unified field theory, sometimes grandiosely referred to as the Theory of Everything (TOE, for short), has remained the holy grail for physicists, the long-sought theory which would explain the nature and behavior of all matter. "

Hawkins states that the determination of this framework would also allow us to determine not only the nature and behavior of all matter, but as the physical theory of particles basically reduces all interactions and forces to matter in sub-particle level, it would allow us to determine the nature and behavior of everything, thus allowing an Absolute Truth.

Scary thing, isn't it?.

Now, assuming that this is possible (and I do have faith in the guy), there are two little problems with this statement, one of them is Free Will. Imagine this framework is used by its discoverer to determine how his life will be, or how will he react to a certain situation. Now he knows how he would act, but it's conscious that he can have other reactions, thus, the Unified Field Theory becomes relative to him and his circumstance, turning this "absolute" truth in just another option in his life.

Picture Neo and the Architech in Matrix Reloaded.

The other problem is Definition. The final determination of the universe, and thus the Cosmos if we mantain our assumptions, brings the old discussion of the name of god. You see, if you take the Creator role of God as an equivalent of the Unified Field Theory, since this framework would explain how the universe was created, how it works, and how it will work in the future (although time will be of no relevance when you're able to "edit" the universe at will with the implementation of this framework); then this framework would not only Define the Cosmos, but also Define God.

No one would have expected that the name of God would be a formula? It's just a matter of language codes.

Now, the Definition (and I'm using the capital letter on purpose) is the total conceptualization of something, the final Knowledge of this "thing" (being "thing" anything in the Cosmos), of how it is, how it was and how it will be, thus allowing control over it. So, the Unified Field Theory brings control over the Cosmos (as E=mc2 brougth control over nuclear energy), and thus, control over God. Since we take God as an absolute Truth, the Unified Field Theory would bring control over him, making him relative to those how posses the discussed framework.

tetragrammaton anyone? (don't be lazy, google it!)

Kaiser Xavier.

05 May, 2005

Happy Campers: the Un-review

Today, as part of a package that had a Remix album of a Swedish pop band done by Japanese missing (YES! the GLOBAL VILLAGE WORKS!), I got the Happy Campers DVD.

I came from work and popped it into my dvd player and started doing this incredible annoying thing that is Jungian Analysis of the plot, characters and situations. It's completely annoying, I totally miss the emotional part of the movie (although I still almost cry at the end of Los Coristas, almost!), and I keep writing these "reviews" that are less about the actual movie (for that you have Mr. Tots), but more about ideas, archetypes and stuff.

Happy Campers had a surprise thrown into for me.

Normally, I get the protagonist and from there I work Ego, Shadow and Anima/Animus; but this movie, the sole initial presentation gets you thiking about something else: the chariot and the hanged man. You see, there are 7 "protagonists" in this movie, 4 men and 3 women. When you get to their personalities you can tell who represents whom in the triad / elemental groups:

Wendy: Stasis / The Son / The Weaver.
Talia: Entropy / The Holy Ghost / The Wyrm.
Pixel: Dynamism / The Father / The Wyvern.

Wichita: Fire / Wands / Intuition.
Jasper: Water / Cups / Emotion.
Adam: Earth / Pentacles / Perception.
Donald: Air / Swords / Intelligence. ("A witty, inteligent man trapped in a body of a geek is still a geek", HA!)

Finally, Oberon is the Imago-Dei, the creator, propiciator, rules creator.

So, when "God" "dies", Triad and Elements wave and shift between each other.

I'll tell you how that goes after I see the movie a a couple more of times,

César X.- Know thyslef.
"Its like between family, friends, playstations, and internets it's possible for a person to go their whole lives without ever listening to their soul, Now how's the dork?" - Wichita.

03 May, 2005

Why the Muppet, why Us?

Today, flipping between my Excel macro and the 'Net like zapping channels in my sofa I went googling for "Shadow", not the pulp hero (extra points if you know who I'm talking about, and yes, the movie counts too) but the Jungian's Archetype definition, this is what I've found:

"The Shadow, is a psychological term introduced by the late Swiss psychiatrist, Dr. Carl G. Jung. It is everything in us that is unconscious, repressed, undeveloped and denied. These are dark rejected aspects of our being as well as light, so there is positive undeveloped potential in the Shadow that we don't know about because anything that is unconscious, we don't know about."
- from http://www.shadowdance.com/shadow/theshadow.html

Now, while I kept reading this article (now in my lunch time) I came to this:

"We will feel highly uncomfortable when we are around someone that is carrying a part of our Shadow. As I said before, and it bears repeating, there will often be a repulsive element to it. We will be repulsed by that person and whatever they stand for. It will feel like whoever they are is totally against our principles, moral values and ideals and we will be highly critical of their actions or way of being in the world."

So I began thinking of whom I feel like this, a couple of names crossed my mind, but only one stood: the Muppet. Now, although I don't exactly feel repulsed by him (I just feel sorry for him), I have noticed (as some times many of you have in other ocassions) that sometimes we (and I include myself, just keep reading) need to talk about this guy, it's either to have a quick laugh, or to make a comparison, or to just call the attention of the group (and no, the muppet is not getting married, as far as I know).

Why is this? why is someone in a group that is the end of everyone's jokes? Sometimes people make jokes about others, but these people keep getting them even from people they don't even know?

I kept reading the article and found this:

"Projection and Denial
Projection is an unconscious psychological mechanism. We all project onto other people parts of ourselves that we disown, that we deny. We will usually not identify with the projected quality or characteristic at all. It's them. It's not us."

Or as the writer ends this chapter: "as the 12-steppers say, 'if you spot it, you got it'."

I read in another article that women like Marilyn Monroe corresponded to the Feminine archetype, and that could explain their success as bombshells, actresses, models, what-have-you. Maybe these people are close to the (making this up) "Buffon" archetype? maybe these people reflect parts of us we don't like about ourselves?

I know, or think I know, why this happens I'm my specific case, but anyway these questions are deemed necessary not for one person, but for everyone we meet.

Finally, some pointers (and please, these are not "answers"):
"So notice. Notice who comes into your life that irritates you or pushes your buttons. It's usually something that is so unconscious within yourself, that it's impossible to see that it's about yourself. If it indeed is a part of your own Shadow, in time you are going to see how it's going to start repeating in patterns."

So check yourself before you wreck yourself,

César X.- Know thyself.

P.D.: "No one does this overnight. Shadow work is a life-long retrieval process and it takes years of patient inner dialogue with oneself to understand and even admit to ourselves that Shadow work is even realistic and necessary." - from http://www.shadowdance.com/shadow/theshadow.html

29 April, 2005

Babel: Castles in the Sky

I've been told that my speech is difficult to understand, and my posts are, in the best cases, obscure and cryptic. Pondering on the reasons of this I came to understand that I've build upon ideas on my own way, not only going further ahead, but also sideways. Jung, Campbell, Tesla, all Tzus (see? cryptic again, Tzu is "Master" in chinese, thou referencing to Lao Tzu, Mo Tzu, Kung Tzu...), Pirsig, Brucato (Mage: the Ascension developer) and the occasional Wachosky have made me look in different directions from mostly everyone else.

I've bee told to not mix work and life, to leave Procterian at Procter. But I just can't, although I don't like to mix my food, my brain is a totally different matter. I have to mix things up, since it's the only way I can find meaning for them, relating and comparing it's mandatory for me. That's why I can't stand dogma, that's why I talk about soap and Anima on the same sentence, that's why I can hear A-Teens on minute and switch to Marylin Manson withou flinching.

It's just so fun to use procterian on day-to-day basis...

So you see, after knowing, learning, understanding and comprehending ideas (more on that someday I talk to you about my take on the types of knowledge), I incorporate them in myself, thus forgetting most of the time about others who are walking different paths from mine.

This is my babel, my castle in the sky and I better step down before it crumbles (or at least to remember to leave it time to time).

Now let's talk about my ego...

28 April, 2005

Differences of opinions

Jung's disagreement with Freud started over the latter's emphasis on sexuality alone as the dominant factor in unconscious motivation. "Every form of addiction is bad," Jung later said, "no matter whether the narcotic be alcohol or morphine or idealism." Freud fainted twice in Jung's presence but the ties were broken with the publication of Jung's Wandlungen und Symbole der Libido (1912, Symbols of Transformation), full of mythological images and motifs, and with his acts as the president of the International Congress of Psycho-Analysis. In a letter to Freud he wrote: "If ever you should rid yourself entirely of your complexes and stop playing the father to your sons, and instead of aiming continually at their weak spots took a good look at your own for a change, then I will mend my ways and at one stroke uproot the vice of being in two minds about you." (Jung on December, 18, 1912). The end of his father-son relationship with Freud had a profoundly disturbing effect on Jung. He withdrew from the psychoanalytic movement and suffered a six-year-long breakdown during which he had fantasies of mighty floods sweeping over northern Europe - prophetic visions of World War I. His inner experiences Jung recorded in the "Red Book", illustrated with his own works in the art nouveau style. His first mandala Jung constructed in 1916. He interpreted the form as a symbol of the self, the wholeness of the personality.

Following his emergence from this period of crisis, Jung developed his own theories systematically under the name of Analytical Psychology. His concepts of the collective unconscious and of the archetypes led him to explore religion in the East and West, myths, alchemy, and later flying saucers. Jung gathered material for his studies by visits to the Pueblo Indians and the Elgonies in East Africa. Although Jung travelled quite extensively during his life, he never went to Rome. The omission was deliberate; he felt that the associations the place would evoke were too strong. When Jung visited New Mexico in 1925, one of the Publos told him: "The whites always want something; they are always uneasy and restless. We do not know what they want. We do not understand them. We think they are mad." In India Jung the Taj Mahal, and called it "the secret of Islam."
- from http://www.kirjasto.sci.fi/cjung.htm

27 April, 2005

The Friend Zone

There's a space in relationships that geeks fear, a space of uncertainty, sadness and loneliness, this space is called:

The Friend Zone.

Today I hit the friend wall, I saw it coming, I saw the signs, I been there before, but anyway I went I knocked at it. I should have known better, but here I am anyway.

But since in the whole self-learning thing, I decided to learn from this, so since bullshitness and reclusion just got me a three-month obsession with a Swedish pop singer, I did something different this time:

I asked for some honesty.

I cut the flirting, the innuendo, the insinuation and the outright lying and went for the throat, I directly asked for a response, not a sign, not a "you should understand if I do this", not a quick change of topic, not a nice letdown, specially not a nice letdown.

I think I deserve it (even if I don't).

Let's see where this takes me, I don't expect much, neither should you.