05 May, 2005

Happy Campers: the Un-review

Today, as part of a package that had a Remix album of a Swedish pop band done by Japanese missing (YES! the GLOBAL VILLAGE WORKS!), I got the Happy Campers DVD.

I came from work and popped it into my dvd player and started doing this incredible annoying thing that is Jungian Analysis of the plot, characters and situations. It's completely annoying, I totally miss the emotional part of the movie (although I still almost cry at the end of Los Coristas, almost!), and I keep writing these "reviews" that are less about the actual movie (for that you have Mr. Tots), but more about ideas, archetypes and stuff.

Happy Campers had a surprise thrown into for me.

Normally, I get the protagonist and from there I work Ego, Shadow and Anima/Animus; but this movie, the sole initial presentation gets you thiking about something else: the chariot and the hanged man. You see, there are 7 "protagonists" in this movie, 4 men and 3 women. When you get to their personalities you can tell who represents whom in the triad / elemental groups:

Wendy: Stasis / The Son / The Weaver.
Talia: Entropy / The Holy Ghost / The Wyrm.
Pixel: Dynamism / The Father / The Wyvern.

Wichita: Fire / Wands / Intuition.
Jasper: Water / Cups / Emotion.
Adam: Earth / Pentacles / Perception.
Donald: Air / Swords / Intelligence. ("A witty, inteligent man trapped in a body of a geek is still a geek", HA!)

Finally, Oberon is the Imago-Dei, the creator, propiciator, rules creator.

So, when "God" "dies", Triad and Elements wave and shift between each other.

I'll tell you how that goes after I see the movie a a couple more of times,

César X.- Know thyslef.
"Its like between family, friends, playstations, and internets it's possible for a person to go their whole lives without ever listening to their soul, Now how's the dork?" - Wichita.

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