02 September, 2008

On Gold Moons...

I've been trying to write this for a long time. It has been sitting up here for a while but since the Dude says it works, I might as well give it a try.

SWM seeks...

A woman to share the Moon with. Because keeping a sense of wonder is vital for him in this "landfill" society where everything as taken as a given, the capacity of still being amazed by a full Moon, or a shy Waxing Moon that barely gives a hint of existence, is key. Reasons are not really important, be it esoteric interest, scientific curiosity and/or romantic exuberance (or all three).

Someone who's not a victim, not of herself or society's. She would not be afraid to be an independent thinker and, when confronted with different ideas, instead of fear or mental laziness, she would be curious and delighted: striving to learn something new, or at least give it a try.

One who perpetually strives to become a better person, to know and grow herself; to put herself in other people's shoes. Who's very much relaxed and hysteria-free.

A woman who has her own life and goals, who has a cause, no matter who silly or small. Whose dreams are great and vivid. Someone who can share my hobbies or has some of her own. Who can dance, both literally and figuratively. Who knows more than merengue and salsa steps, but the different levels on how two people can dance. Who can also be a partner in life; knowing how to "dance" within a relationship.

Someone with a developed sense of humor, who laughs at herself as much as she laughs at others; irony and silliness all looked for. Who likes all kinds of music, and has interests in books, movies and media. Someone who's not afraid of a computer.

A woman who knows when to talk and when to listen (and can teach me to do it).

One who can outsmart me, that would be cool.

Someone who knows that other persons have had it worse than she's had, and understand other person's limitations.

Physically, a great smile is mandatory, one that not only fills entire rooms, but that makes me think that everything before was worthy to endure. A great smile needs great eyes, so that too. Someone tall enough to dance with, good legs are a big plus.

As you've seen English-speaking is very important, French-speakers are a huge plus.

So let me know if you're around,


1 comment:

Toto said...

There you go. An ad for posterity. Now see who fits the job!-